Sunra Electric Bike Price In Pakistan 2024

Electric bikes are sloping, having a tendency these days. Sunra Electric Bike price In Pakistan 2024 is available here. Electric bikes are being used in different countries. Now in Pakistan, different companies are also getting started electric bikes as these bikes are very good at producing an effect of daily use because of, in relation to no need for fuel. In addition to no fuel, these are also pollution-free bikes. These bikes will surely profit a surprising Reputation 1 throughout when people will learn to look upon the features of these bikes.

Sunra Electric Bike

This company has got started its electric bikes in Pakistan. These bikes have different features and details as to how things are to be done. This bike is beautifully designed with entirely different giving clear, full picture as made a comparison of to the giving clear, the full picture of other bikes trademarks being used in Pakistan. The company has made hard work on these bikes to help people of Pakistan. It is a step in the direction of pollution-free general conditions that is why these bikes are being introduced these days.

Sunra Electric Bike Price in Pakistan 2024: 

The price of this bike is 139,888 PKR. The price is higher as it is an electric bike.

Sunra Electric Bike Average:

This bike has a great average as it covers 60 KMS on one charge and the charging time of this bike is around 4 hours and it uses up around 1.5 units of electricity.

Sunra Electric Bike Features: 

The features of this bike are as follows

Sunra Electric Bike Features

These are all the features of this bike

Sunra Electric Bike 2024 Specifications:

The specifications of this bike are as follows:

Electric Charge
Oil Free
1500 watt
60 KM on full charge
Zero Emissions

These are all the specifications of this bike.

Sunra Electric Bike Availability:

This bike is available at Ocean Mall, Ground Floor, Showroom #G31, Khayaban-e-Iqbal, Block 9 Clifton, and Karachi.

Sunra Electric Bike Availability

This bike is best for people who have to go to work daily within a great town because it can be charged at home or offices easily without any trouble.