Motorbike Laws 101: 5 Ways To Improve Your Safety Down The Road

Driving a motorbike can make for a fun and exhilarating experience. But it’s also true that riding a motorcycle is riskier than driving a car. In fact, a motorcycle crash is far more fatal than a car crash. In the US, over 4,000 motorcycle fatalities have been recorded from 2010 to 2019.

However, there are still plenty of motorcycle riders out there who are able to keep them safe from accidents and enjoy their motorbikes to the fullest without getting injuries. How do they do that? The answer is quite simple—they follow the basic motorcycle safety practices. 

To prevent any motorcycle crash and to ensure your safety down the road, here are five ways to keep your rides incident-free:

  1. Always Wear A Helmet

Most motorbike riders ignore the importance of wearing complete safety gear whenever they hit the road. Looking cool isn’t important whenever you ride a motorbike.

The most important safety gear you need to have when riding a motorcycle is the helmet. A helmet is essential for safe motorbike riding. It protects you from serious head and brain injuries in case you get in a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, wearing a helmet isn’t legally required in some countries in the world. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear one whenever you ride.

When riding, it’s important that you wear suitable safety gear. This is because a helmet will protect your head from hard falls and will also reduce your chance of injury. It’s advisable to get a full-face helmet because this type is designed to protect your whole head. Helmets come in various sizes and designs, so it’s vital to choose one that fits you well. Just make sure the helmet you’re going to use is up to the highest safety standards.

  1. Inspect Your Ride

You should always inspect your bike before you hit the road. Check the tire pressure, lights, mirrors, loose bolts, leaks, and any other mechanical hazards that you can see on your bike. It’s also important that you give your motorbike regular care and maintenance.

Avoid delay when it comes to fixing mechanical problems that need attention. You should also follow the recommended regular maintenance procedures stated on your motorbike’s manual such as when to change its engine oil or tires.

  1. Obey The Traffic Rules

You should always obey the rules of the road whenever you drive your motorbike. One of the best ways to keep you safe from motorcycle accidents is to ride as safely as possible. You should observe the lane markings, speed limits, and posted signs, among others. 

You also need to practice defensive driving. Don’t assume that other vehicles can see you easily when on the road. Motorbikes are a lot smaller than other vehicles, and you can easily fall into their blind spots. When driving a motorbike at night, keep your lights turned on and wear bright or reflective clothing so other drivers on the road can see you. 

When you drive, be sure to be on the defensive at all times. What this means is you need to give yourself enough room and time whenever you make turns or change lanes. Also, be sure to stay within the speed limit and avoid cutting in front of other vehicles recklessly. 

  1. Keep The Weather In Mind

Changes in the weather conditions can be dangerous for motorbike riders. Rain, snow, and wind can make it hard for riders to control their motorcycle on the road. Keep in mind that motorcycles aren’t as stable compared to cars. Since they only have two wheels, you only have half the stability of a car. Also, motorcycles have no windshield wipers, which significantly reduces your visibility. Lastly, riding when it’s raining can hurt, especially if you’re not wearing any protection.

Don’t forget to check the weather condition for the day before you hit the road and make a plan as to what you should do in case the weather changes.

  1. Ride Within Your Skills

It takes skill to ride a motorbike properly, and you need to develop it. Cruising around the city is fine for beginners, but you need to develop your skills more if you want to be an expert rider.

To ensure your safety on the road, you must always ride within your skill level. Don’t be influenced by other riders who are driving super-fast, weaving in and out of traffic, because they probably have years of experience riding a motorcycle. It takes time to build your motorcycle skills.

Of course, do it in a safe, controlled way. You might want to enroll in riding and safety courses so you can learn advanced maneuvers.

Final Thoughts

Motorcycle accidents can lead to injuries or even death. So, you must follow the safety tips above to keep you and others safe when driving a motorcycle down the road.