When a child receives homework, they frown. They think of it as an add-on task and cut down on playing time. And it comes with a child of every age. The word homework often brings tears in a child. They may not show it, but homework is certainly a no-no in almost every child’s list.
However, some things cannot be changed but they can be done in different ways. The same goes for homework. It cannot be ‘not given’ but it can be executed in exciting and interesting ways.
Even I used to get sad when homework was given and then holiday homework was a big turn-off. I used to search for someone to do my homework for me and it used to work out wonders most of the time.
Well, but in the process of doing homework I found out effective ways to do homework without tears. Yes, they could be made joyful and playful. I have listed my favorite ways here. You can follow them and there will be “no more tears.”
#1 Build your own space
A dedicated space to do your homework is fun. You have all the things that are required in place, you have ownership, you can manage things on your own, etc. and the best part is that when you are in your space, everybody knows that you are seriously working, so nobody disturbs you.
This allows you to work independently and with lesser distractions. There are fewer breaks and you get up only once the work is done. You can try building up the space with plants, motivational slogans, a picture of someone who inspires you, or writing your life goals to motivate you.
#2 Make it playful
Having colorful and attractive stationery will help you perform your work in a productive way. You can use colorful markers, stick-on, and attractive bookmarks to mark your works. This helps you make boring things exciting.
Also, they help you marking the important things on the go, which in turn helps you at the right time. You do not have to look for the important points. You already have them at your hand.
You get pretty and customized stationery very easily. You can easily have nice stationeries of your own without spending much. Even notebooks these days appeal to you to write your best in them!
#3 Have a friend to study with
This method is tried and tested and there is no better way to make the homework time more cheerful. Call a friend over or decide a commonplace to study. Talking and getting in conversations can be huge distractions but you can assign yourself playful tasks for that.
For example, you can say let’s complete this task and then we talk for 15 minutes, or let’s only talk about this subject and once the doubt gets cleared we can take a break.
Thus when you assign such tasks and follow them dedicatedly, studying with friends gets more fun and productive. And if your results show flying colors, there is no way that parents will object to studying with a friend.
#4 Listen to music
Music is the answer to all questions. And listening to music, especially classical music can be a big booster. Listening to music has proved to do wonders for productivity. Just ensure that the music is soothing or motivational. It should not distract you or make you tired.
Listening to your favorite songs but paying attention to the work that you do, can be a great combination. Thus, homework time clubbed with music time can be a great fun time.
#5 Use productivity apps
There are various apps available to track your productivity and efficiency. All you have to do is create your ‘to-do’ list and dedicate the amount of time for each one. These apps will remind you when to take a break and when your productivity is lagging.
To conclude,
There are several effective ways to do your homework creatively and at the same time make it all fun. In brief, homework can be easily completed without tears. All you have to do is get productive and playful with your tasks.