Common Diesel Engine Problems And How To Fix Them

It is very rare for your diesel engine not to have a problem or something that sets your diesel engine back. Some of the problems might be easily fixable, while others might be a little bit more complex. When a diesel engine problems occurs, you want to fix it as fast as possible and get it up and running again.

As a driver, knowing some of the issues that a diesel engine encounters helps you with that. There are a couple of reasons that might make it act unnaturally. And it is better to fix it before it causes any greater damage like a total engine failure. 

It is wise to contact a mechanic when the case is particular and severe, but here is a handy guide explaining some of the most common and frequent diesel engine problems and possible solutions to fix them. This guide will help you be aware and prepare for the unfortunate event of a diesel engine failure. 

Let us now discuss the most common problems and concerns and possible solutions. 

1. An Overheating Diesel Engine 

This is a prevalent and huge problem because it affects the engine and spreads to the pistons, cylinder heads, the bearing, and the crankshaft. Even the suspension system of the car is not spared, 

An engine would overheat if it didn’t have a functioning cooling system and worked too hard. A faulty cooling system might cause clogged diesel injectors, a bad thermostat, and a faulty cooling fan. 

Solution: An easy solution is replacing your cooling system to stop overheating. If you have done this and a good maintenance check on your engine and it keeps on overheating, immediately take the car to a professional diesel mechanic. 

2. Emission Of Black Smoke 

An incorrect air to fuel ratio is the most common reason your engine emits black smoke. If you notice your diesel engine is emitting black smoke, it might be caused by: 

  • Incomplete or poor combustion 
  • Bad air filtering 
  • Faulty injector 
  • Cold temperatures when operating 
  • Bad EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) valve 
  • Build-up of carbon 
  • Faulty injector pump 

Solution: Try to clean the air system, check on your engine rings, monitor the fuel supply, use fuel additives and also ask a mechanic or a specialist when it becomes severe, and you have no idea of how to fix it. 

3. Oil Leakages 

Some diesel parts issues such as dysfunctional gaskets and aged seals can highly contribute to your oil leaking. Oil leakages can cause serious environmental threats and serious risks of a fire outbreak. Oil leaks can also make your truck’s engine have a complete engine failure. 

Additionally, unchecked leaks can get on seals and rubber hoses and cause them to devalue prematurely. 

Solution: Always keep a close eye on your dipstick when you want o check your engine oil leaks. Also, remember to check your tailpipe for sny blue smoke when driving. 

Blue smoke from your engine means that oil is leaking into the diesel engine itself. 

A great tip is to always smell for burning oil after a drive. If you smell burning oil, it could mean that oil is leaking onto the hot components of the engine. 

If you happen to find a puddle of oil under your truck, take a closer look at it. It might be a transmission fluid if the puddle is red, and the coolant might be the problem if the liquid is orange or green with a sweet smell. 

4. Using the wrong truck fuel 

Diesel engines are precise to the type of fuel they use. Misfuelling can cause immense damage to the engine, such as destroying all the diesel parts. Pouring the wrong fuel into your car is, however, very rare. It should happen about as often as humans pouring milk into their eyes. 

Putting petrol in a diesel car is the most common mistake that motorists make. You are at risk of extreme damage to your car by doing this. Once petrol is mixed into the diesel engine, it can lead to you needing new fuel pumps, engines, filters, injectors, and possibly a whole new fuel tank. This is because the solution causes a solvent that can mess up your car.  

Solution: The first thing to do is accept the mistake you have made to your car. Do not start up your vehicle if you realize that you have mixed unleaded petrol into a diesel engine.  

You will then need to drain out the petrol with the help of a  professional. You may take your car to your trustworthy roadside assistant or straight to the garage.  

If you happen to drive away with this condition, you will instantly notice the problem due to the horrible sounds that it will produce. Being quick to react to this problem is the solution. The sooner you stop driving the car, the more chances of rectification you have. 

5. A hard starting or trouble starting your truck 

Sometimes you might have trouble getting your engine going. Some issues that might be causing the problem are battery issues, low compression, fuel delivery issues, glow plug issues, and cold weather affecting the system. 

Solution: Check the air in the fuel. Leakage into the fuel lines might allow air into the system. Also, check for clogged fuel filters. They generally need to be changed every 20,000-40,000 miles, 

If having a new fuel filter doesn’t solve the problem, it might be time to get a new pump. Listen to a clicking noise when turning the ignition switch on if the problem persists. If it doesn’t click, the likely problem is the solenoid. 

Other common diesel engine problems include lack of power, nox sensors failure, flattering engine, excessive oil consumption, and engine failure or disruption. Luckily, all these problems can be avoided and fixed if you maintain your car’s regular check-up. Here is an article about nox sensors you can also read.