How to Keep Your Brand-New Car in Top Condition: 5 Best Tips of All Time

When buying new cars, you are reassured that they will run smoothly since they’re “fresh out of the box.” What’s more, reliability has improved dramatically in newer models, making them much easier to maintain compared to older ones.- Your Brand-New Car

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing for you to do to take care of your vehicle. Sure, it’s new, but it will soon be used and must be maintained over time.

This is where professional car services come in. From tyre replacement and change oil services to engine cleaner services, you can rely on experts to ensure that your vehicle stays in its top condition for a long time.

Besides having the pros handle the technical aspects of car maintenance, you also need to understand all the important things revolving around it. This article compiles the five best tips of all time to help you do just that.

1. Read the owner’s manual.

This may sound too obvious to be stated, but believe it or not, many car owners fail to read the vehicle’s manual during the break-in period. This makes it even more important to mention.

The general steps in driving are pretty much the same everywhere, save for the differences in automatic and manual transmission vehicles. However, you need to learn about some aspects and features of your new car before taking it on a relatively long drive.

You see, the owner’s manual offers a step-by-step guide to operating the vehicle, and the recommended maintenance schedule. It also contains things that are specific to your car, including:

  • Setup instructions.
  • Details on the features, including how to use and maintain them.
  • Gas grade.
  • Oil change information.
  • Fluid replacement and refilling instructions.
  • Dashboard light meanings.
  • Seat position and head restraint adjustment instructions.
  • Ideal tyre pressure and tyre change service schedule.
  • Best practices that could extend the lifespan of your vehicle.

2. Change the engine oil as recommended- Your Brand-New Car.

Whether or not you’ve owned a car before, you have probably already heard about oil and how changing it regularly matters in car ownership. You see, that “oil” people talk about is what makes the vehicle go far and quietly.

Generally, an oil change must be done for every 5,000 to 5,500 kilometres you drive. Some engine oil manufacturers claim that their products can last up to 16,000 kilometres, but it’s best to keep it at 8,000 kilometres max for your engine’s long-term efficiency and reliability.

You also need to check oil levels and quality at least once a week. Change it regularly, too. Use the knowledge you gained from reading the owner’s manual and ensure that your vehicle is up to date on its oil change schedule.

Generally, monthly oil changes are okay for vehicles in good condition. But if you notice any leak or need to refill the oil more frequently, you may need to have it done more often.

When checking oil levels, make sure that the car is parked on level ground. This will ensure an accurate dipstick reading. Avoid overfilling, and make sure you have any leaks fixed as soon as you spot them.

3. Keep the tyre pressure within the ideal range- Your Brand-New Car.

The tyres are another critical component of your new car that needs your utmost attention. Without these, you can’t have that smooth and relaxing drive you were promised at the car dealer.

Well-kept tyres ensure your safety on the road and support the good condition of other parts of your vehicle. They also affect your car’s mileage and efficiency in using petrol, so you don’t have to spend more than you should.

This means you have to make sure that they are properly inflated – not over- or under-inflated. Knowing the correct pressure in your tyres is easy if you read your owner’s manual. Of course, there are other ways to know this.

Here’s how you can check tyre pressure:

  • Wait until your vehicle’s tyres are “cold” before checking the tyre pressure level, preferably before a drive. If you’ve been driving for a while, let your tyres “rest” for at least four hours.
  • Check the driver’s side door or the owner’s manual for the ideal air pressure in your car’s tyres. Note that the pounds per square inch (PSI) indicated in the tyre walls are the maximum pressure the tyre needs to carry its heaviest load and not the ideal PSI.
  • Use a tyre pressure gauge to get accurate measurements.

Take note that the tyre pressure may change as you drive, which means you have to monitor it as you log more kilometres, and their temperature fluctuates.

Some experts recommend refilling the air in your tyres every petrol fill-up, but it can vary. To be safe, follow the instructions above in checking tyre pressure and only add air when needed.

4. Try parking your car- Your Brand-New Car.

It doesn’t matter if you do it in a car park or your own garage, so long as you park your new vehicle. This isn’t just about keeping it off the road but also ensuring that you get a full grasp of how big your car really is.

Getting familiar with the size of your car doesn’t just help you drive it more easily and avoid accidents; it also helps prevent chewed-up tyres. According to dealers, many cars that come in for their very first oil change have wheels that seem like they’ve logged more than 30,000 kilometres. They said this was because of the scuffs and scratches on the tyres from the owners’ attempts at parking.

This proves that getting a full grasp of the size of your new vehicle – especially if it’s an entirely different model from the one you had before – is crucial. In fact, even those who switched to the same model had to undergo a learning curve because of a redesign in the vehicle.

5. Maintain the brakes- Your Brand-New Car.

Braking systems in modern cars need to be replaced after a certain period to ensure optimum function. If you notice any problem, it can be done more frequently, as the brakes affect your road safety.

Even if there’s no problem, make sure you have this car component checked at least once a year. This will help you prevent road accidents from worn-down brake pads.

Also, monitor the brake fluid. This is responsible for transferring heat to all the parts of the braking system and absorbing water. Once it becomes dark, you need to have it flushed and replaced with fresh, new brake fluid.

Have it checked immediately if you hear any unusual noise (like screeching) or get any strange response when you floor the brakes. Ignoring these things could lead to unpleasant and potentially dangerous drives.

Bonus tip: When driving, don’t step on the brakes unless necessary. It would be best to keep a safe distance from vehicles in front and slow down (or stop stepping on the gas) in case they suddenly stop.

Keep Your Car As Good As New

Keeping your vehicle new isn’t as difficult as you think. If you follow the recommended use and maintenance indicated in the owner’s manual, you’re almost fully ready to keep it in top condition. The only thing left is finding reliable experts to help with its upkeep.