How to become a flight instructor in the UK? Requirements & Peculiarities

There are various options for making a living as a pilot. Though commercial airline piloting is the most generally considered career path, many students who have earned the instrument rating and Professional Pilot licence may elect to seek a Flight Teacher certificate and begin a profession as a flight instructor.

Airlines offer different levels of training depending on whether you want to be a commercial or private pilot. Professional pilots typically work for airlines such as British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, and Emirates.

What type of requirements fulfil to become a flight instructor? 

  • Achieving CFI (Commercial Pilot) status requires a minimum level of knowledge and skill, and it takes time to develop these skills. There are certain requirements that must be met to obtain a private pilot certificate, such as completing at least 100 hours of ground school. 
  • In addition, applicants need to provide evidence of the appropriate medical information, a valid driver’s licence, and other relevant documents. The CAA (The Civil Aviation Authority) has strict rules regarding what is required to get your first private pilot license. 
  • If you decide to pursue this career path, there are several options available to you. You can either go directly into an airline company, which will give you access to their training program, or you can start out with a local flying club. This way, you’ll have more flexibility when choosing where to train and how long it should take.

Advantages and disadvantages of being a flight instructor


  • One of the most rewarding aspects of being an aviation instructor is sharing your passion for aviation with others who share the same interest. By educating others, you will be helping to improve the global community. 
  • You’ll be able to travel the world and earn a significant income. Since aviation jobs pay well, you can live comfortably even in countries where salaries aren’t very high. 
  • When you tell people you’re a flying instructor, they’ll be fascinated and ask many questions.
  • Working as a flight teacher will enhance your daily knowledge and flying ability. Teaching others how to fly is a fantastic way to earn additional income.


  • Working as a flying instructor is a difficult job. The flight instructor certification is believed to be one of the most challenging check-rides in aviation. 
  • As a flight instructor, you’ll spend a lot of time preparing for lessons. This includes reading manuals and studying charts. 
  • Once you’ve completed your training, you’ll need to undergo rigorous testing to ensure you’re qualified to teach. 

The Bottom Line 

Aviation is a dynamic and constantly changing field. The only way to stay relevant and advance in your job is to educate yourself continuously. Your instructors will provide you with useful information and resources that will enable you to meet the challenges at hand.