What to do if you’ve been reported for dangerous driving (UK)

Being reported to the police for alleged dangerous driving can be stressful and worrying. But there are constructive steps you can take to address the situation. This article provides guidance on how to respond and seek the best outcomes if you find yourself accused of dangerous driving.

Remain Calm

Firstly, try to remain calm. Being reported can feel intimidating but anger or panic will not help. Take deep breaths and try to approach the situation rationally once the initial shock subsides. A clear head will allow you to take the appropriate actions.

Understand the Allegations

Find out exactly what driving behaviour you have been accused of and when/where it allegedly happened. This information is crucial to start assessing how to respond appropriately. The police should provide these details if they make contact with you.

Some questions to ask are:

  • What specific dangerous driving allegation has been made?
  • Where did the reported incident take place?
  • When did the reporting witness claim it happened?
  • What evidence has been provided to support the allegation?
  • Are any other witnesses cited in the report?

Document the details surrounding the allegations being made so you can recall them clearly. Knowing the precise nature of the reported incident will direct your response.

Reflect Critically on Your Driving

Carefully reflect on your driving and whether you may have unintentionally committed any dangerous driving offences around the time and location of the reported incident. Reviewing dashcam footage if you have it installed can also help jog your memory.

Examples of dangerous driving include:

  • Speeding excessively
  • Aggressive manoeuvres like weaving through traffic
  • Distracted driving – phone use, eating at the wheel etc
  • Running red lights
  • Overtaking dangerously

If upon reflection your driving at the time may have inadvertently breached standards, being reported could serve as a vital prompt to re-evaluate and improve your road safety awareness.

Seek Legal Advice

Regardless of whether you believe you drove dangerously or not, it is advisable to promptly seek formal legal advice from a specialist motoring offence lawyer or solicitor if you have been reported to police. They can advise you on your options and the best course of action.

dangerous driving law firm can:

  • Review any evidence against you
  • Advise if the allegations appear legitimate
  • Guide you on constructively engaging with police
  • Represent you in further legal proceedings if required

Seeking legal guidance protects your rights and interests in dealing with dangerous driving accusations.

Cooperate with Police Investigations

If the police contact you, cooperate constructively with their preliminary investigations into the reported dangerous driving incident. However, ensure your lawyer reviews your planned responses first.

Be truthful in answering any police questions. If you concede you may have driven inappropriately, show remorse and commitment to addressing any issues through additional driver training.

Never attempt to deceive or obstruct police inquiries. This can escalate the situation and severity of outcomes if charges are ultimately filed against you. Honesty and compliance is your best path forward if contacted by authorities.

Start Collecting Exonerating Evidence

In parallel with cooperating with authorities, also proactively gather any evidence you can to prove your innocence or mitigate the circumstances of the reported incident.

Possible forms of evidence that could help exonerate you include:

  • Witness statements from passengers if applicable
  • CCTV or dashcam footage proving your driving was not dangerous
  • Records showing the car was elsewhere during the reported incident
  • Proof someone else was driving your vehicle at the time
  • Any other records or materials that undermine accusations

Consult your solicitor on collating compelling evidence and submitting it to the police. Valid evidence could prevent charges or obtain a more lenient outcome if the incident goes to court. But act swiftly before records are lost.

Consider Potential Outcomes if Charged

If police ultimately do charge you with a dangerous driving offence based on a report, some potential penalties to prepare for include:

Licence Points

You may receive 3-11 penalty points on your driver’s licence for careless or reckless driving charges. Accumulating 12+ points within 3 years typically merits disqualification.


Being banned from driving for 6+ months is common for convicted dangerous driving. The ban length depends on severity and prior record.


Financial fines up to 175% of your weekly income are possible penalties. More substantial fines apply to aggressive dangerous driving.


Custodial prison sentences up to 2 years can potentially be imposed for the most serious dangerous driving offences that cause harm and show blatant disregard for safety.

Remedial Courses

You may be required to complete special driver improvement courses focused on hazards or aggression. These aim to rectify any deficiencies in your driving skills and attitudes.

Clearly, being convicted of dangerous driving has severe consequences. This underscores the importance of securing legal assistance to construct the best possible defence to avoid conviction if you are charged after being reported.

Reflect on Your Overall Driving

If your driving has drawn legitimate criticisms, use the experience as motivation to amend your road safety conduct permanently going forward.

Consider stepping up from basic competency and aim to become an actively safe, patient and considerate driver. Proactively develop your skills by:

  • Undertaking additional advanced driving tuition.
  • Completing a formal hazard perception course.
  • Modifying any aggressive attitudes behind the wheel.
  • Allowing more time so you never need to speed or rush trips.
  • Minimising any distractions inside your vehicle.
  • Commiting to full adherence of all road laws.
  • Paying greater attention to vulnerable road users.

The roads will be safer if reported incidents prompt you to become a more conscientious driver who sets a positive example for others.

Apologise Sincerely if You Were In the Wrong

If you reflect honestly and realise you did in fact drive dangerously, take full responsibility. The honest and moral response is to offer sincere apologies to any affected parties and the authorities.

Effective apologies include:

  • Fully owning the mistake rather than deflecting blame.
  • Expressing genuine remorse rather than just regret at being caught.
  • Promising improved conduct in future rather than hollow words.
  • Backing it up with evidence you are committed to driving more safely like courses undertaken.
  • Seeking forgiveness but understanding victims may remain upset.
  • Compensating victims for losses where appropriate.

Dangerous driving often stems from poor attitude more than lack of skill. Demonstrating accountability, humility and desire to make amends can help mitigate any consequences imposed.

Contesting Unfair or False Allegations

However, if you are certain the dangerous driving allegation against you was categorically false, exaggerated or a case of mistaken identity, contest it through legal channels.

Follow your solicitor’s advice while:

  • Stressing you were driving normally, safely and legally.
  • Highlighting any holes, errors or biases in the reporting witness account.
  • Presenting strong contradictory evidence like CCTV footage.
  • Appealing any initial convictions if proceedings are instigated.
  • Formally complaining if authorities have failed to follow procedures.

You have the right to vigorously dispute unjustified or malicious allegations that lack credible evidence through the proper legal processes. But ensure your case is rock-solid before pursuing this path.

Learn from the Experience

Being reported for alleged dangerous driving, whether justifiably or otherwise, can serve as a wake-up call. Use it as a catalyst to become a genuinely safer and more considerate driver. Analyse any mistakes you may have made to improve in future.

Ask yourself:

  • Are there any weaknesses in my driving I need to work on?
  • Do I breach laws without realising occasionally?
  • Could I allow more time so I never need to rush or speed?
  • Do I pay enough attention to others like cyclists on the road?
  • Would additional training refresh my awareness of hazards?

Treat it as a learning curve so your overall driving skills and temperament benefit long-term, rather than just a temporary obstacle to overcome before returning to your old habits. The goal is lasting improvement.

Inform Your Insurer

Contact your car insurance provider and inform them you have been reported for alleged dangerous driving. Failure to disclose this could void your policy if issues emerge later.

Your insurer may decide to increase your premiums as driving offence reports flag you as higher risk. Be cooperative with any information requests they have to make a fair assessment.

Maintaining open communication reduces the risk of future problems with your policy and keeps you protected.


Being reported for dangerous driving can occur even if you believe you did nothing seriously wrong. But honest self-reflection of your driving standards and compliance with all guidance from authorities and your solicitor offers the best path to addressing the situation constructively while protecting your rights and future safety on the roads.

The experience can even provide a valuable prompt to consciously improve your driving skills, attitude and risk awareness for the long-term.

While the process of dealing with allegations and possible police action may be daunting and stressful initially, this guide outlines the steps to take in response which will ultimately lead to the most positive outcome for you, and improved safety for all road users in future.