How SLAM Technology Works and Its Applications

At its core, SLAM technology is a tool for mapping out an area without reference to any external guidance system. In other words, take a case where you want to map out your new home – but you do not have any Google maps of it yet. Instead of relying on preexisting resources like these street view images or aerial imagery, SLAM will create its map by using motion sensors and cameras to track where it has been and what it sees along the way. And this map can then be used to generate accurate 3D city models. These models can then be used to navigate the city, and the result is a reasonably accurate model of your new home that you can use in future planning.

While SLAM technology has been around in some form since the late 1990s, people are only recently beginning to see its use explode across industries like autonomous driving and mapping. In the past, it required enormous computing power to generate a map of any sort – let alone one of a moving object. But today’s computers can perform this incredible feat in a few short hours and with increasingly higher levels of accuracy.By the way, as a student, who is reading this article you simply can send your writing requirements to to know more about SLAM technology with the help of writing experts.

How does SLAM work?

SLAM is essential in robot navigation since it provides robots with high-accuracy three-dimensional information about their location. For SLAM to be accurate, it must first determine the robots’ position and orientation relative to the environment. That is done by using cameras and other sensors on the robot. Once the robot can determine its position on the map, it can use umbrella geometry to find out where everything else it needs is concerning itself. With this information, the robot can understand where every object – such as people, objects, and stairs – is within its surroundings.

The process of SLAM, in general, starts with the robot determining its initial location and orientation. That is done using a pair of cameras and a laser range finder. The data from these sensors are then put into a map, done using an algorithm that determines how to determine the robot’s pose. Once the robot has determined its position on the map, it can make necessary adjustments to ensure accuracy. Seven different types of sensors are used in most SLAMS:

Most mobile robots use odometry to estimate their position and velocity by measuring the distance traveled using wheels or tracks as they move around. That is done by counting the number of rotations of the wheels or tracks. However, this does not tend to be accurate since any disruptions in the wheels’ rotation can cause errors in the map and result in wrong calculations about a robot’s location.

SLAM can also use other sensors to detect position and orientation accurately. These include gyros, inertial sensors, GPS, and compasses. SLAM algorithms have been created that combine these sources of information so that they can be used interchangeably to provide the most accurate estimate of a robot’s location. These algorithms take into account each sensor’s unique strengths and weaknesses and then combine them to balance out each other’s inaccuracies. For instance, as seen on the Dioram website, many SLAM algorithms combine LiDAR sensor information with other sensors to filter out most of the map; however, this can result in a significant amount of noise. The map from a LIDAR sensor can easily be much bigger than the physical world and has no idea how to ignore its reflections.

In summation, in SLAM technology, sensors are placed on the ground, providing a schematic of the area, then software makes an image from those measurements. The computer uses this 3D model to provide contextually appropriate information about what is seen by the robot’s camera. That allows the robot to know not where it is but how it can get around and what obstacles might lie ahead.

Applications of SLAM Technology

Cleaning robots

Using simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology in cleaning robots is an automated way to map previously untouched areas. It is a critical tool for cleaning robotics to get cleaner faster and more efficiently. Researcher has established that cleaning robots can be effective in several applications, including hospitals, industrial process plants, military bases, and even kitchen floors. For instance, you can buy a robot that uses SLAM technology to clean the kitchen floor without struggling through large piles of debris or reaching for expensive vacuum cleaners.

Modern cleaning robots use a laser range finder (Lidar) to map their surroundings, allowing for obstacle avoidance. The robots are also equipped with a vacuum cleaner to remove residual particles on their mapping path. Additional sensors enable the robots to move in four dimensions and keep track of the lower wall of their workspace.

Autonomous Vehicles

The use of ‘localization and mapping (SLAM) technology in self-driving cars is a rapidly emerging area of pursuit. This technology aims to make the vehicles work more like humans by having the cars build up a knowledge of their environment and navigate by interpreting it. That is a significant part of what LAM technology does to allow us to prepare for self-driving car development.

One such recent advancement in this field, as seen in an article from Engadget, was that with SLAM Technology, sensors can provide much more actionable data about what is surrounding them than ever before – “Sensors can provide much more actionable data about what’s surrounding them than ever before. Instead of knowing a car is there, SLAM software can tell if that car is moving left or right, what speed it is moving, and how big it is. It can also identify traffic lights, lane lines, and other vehicles. That, in turn, allows the car to predict better where it can and cannot go”. Therefore, scientists expect that SLAM might unlock the true potential of self-driving vehicles.


The use of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology dramatically impacts the healthcare industry. That is especially true when differentiating between healthy and unhealthy skin conditions. Currently, this technology uses a 3D laser scanner to build up an accurate model of the user’s face to detect any abnormalities. It works by using a computer vision algorithm that identifies skin lesions and other abnormalities.

 Usually, SLAM technologies are used with smartphones or tablet devices. One collects data such as photos, videos, and point-of-views of the user’s condition over time to record any changes that may occur. The collected data is then used to build a model of the user’s face. This model is then used to provide a baseline to compare any later data against to identify potential issues or problems. This technology and its use in healthcare have been developing and growing exponentially over the last several years.

SLAM technology can be used on both healthy and ill individuals. It allows doctors to get a detailed look at what happens when an individual has skin cancer or other conditions. It is also beneficial for children who can be scanned younger than adults. This technology can help doctors determine if an infant has cystic fibrosis or another deformed lung. The scan of the infant’s face provides a way to find early signs of injury, disease, and other problems before more serious issues occur. In either case, the scan gives doctors a look at how a patient’s skin looks and provides insight into how it works.

Indoor Navigation

Even though SLAM technology is primarily used in outdoor environments where multiple cameras and sensors are available for use, some companies have developed indoor navigation systems that utilize the SLAM technique to help users navigate through a building. To aid this, these systems have been developed that use different kinds of sensors for data collection. Some systems use a combination of image sensors and laser scanners, while others use camera-based SLAM technology and video cameras to determine the location of objects within a room. Many of these systems are designed to follow humans, allowing them to navigate the building. For instance, MIT and Vanderbilt University have created a system that uses multiple SLAM techniques to self-map an indoor environment.

SLAM technology allows machines to “see “or understand their environment and accurately map it while simultaneously keeping track of their location within that environment. The goal of SLAM technology is to provide a computer system with the same kind of spatial understanding that humans possess: awareness and knowledge of objects, places, and geographic places concerning one another While SLAM technology was initially developed for use by scientists to explore and study environments, today it is used in varied different industries and applications including cleaning, medicine and self-driving vehicles to help improve efficiency and productivity.